Well, some of my framimg experiments have worked out and some have been a real trial. I really want to get a technique so that I can make a good frame and not have to recut nor take forever to do it!
HBS framing lumber #4185. That little "lip" that I thought would be so helpful for holding the picture, wasn't! |
I did make a frame from "official" framing lumber from
HBS. They have a few styles and sizes. Interestingly, something that gave me a lot of trouble, was the "lip" in the frame into which one puts the picture. I didn't make the frame with the "underframe" so I had a difficult time having the frame hold together at the mitered cormers (little area for glue) when I tried fitting the picture into the frame. I finally got it but the frame was definitely weak at the corners. Fortunately, I had planned to completely cover the back (picture and frame) with sturdy card, so this firmed up everything.
HBS framing lumber frame for The Hay Wain by Constable. Unfortunately, the flash makes it hard to see the paintng. This is the Library at Sunnybrook Farm. |
Home Depot small detail moulding -- one of many styles. These are great since they come in four-foot lengths and are great for crown/cornice moulding. |
I have also made a good frame from some very small detail moulding I found at
Home Depot. I made this frame with the underframe and it worked well to make good corners. I also made a simple frame from baseboard moulding. I thought I had pictures of these but since I can't find them, I guess I have yet to take them, but they are hanging in the family dining room at
Sunnybrook Farm.
I have a number of
Chinese paintings I clipped/scanned from books and magazines that I want to frame and hang at
Sunnybrook Farm in the dining, living, and music rooms. All these will need frames and I have decided on a simple gold frame made from
HBS chair rail #81424.
HBS chair rail #81424 for simple frames for my Chinese paintings. |
HBS chair rail #81424 made into simple frame, and even my miters were good! |
Frame underside, braving made without an underframe. |
Look how well it looks! |
It's time for a break but I will be back later with some more ideas about making frames, besides the thought that I will skip any "lip-making" frames!
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