We build delightful 1:12 inch scale homes for the Little People. Our dollhouses are sometimes custom (aka scratch) -built, but even when we start with a kit-- it is always bashed! The houses are fully furnished and landscaped, and have resident families and friends.
A Whisper of Spring....
The Deep snow is all gone from The Folly Garden, Dear Readers, and so is
the Snowy Winter Rhododendron Shrub! In its place we find the...
QUESERA de Papá Noel
*Otra escena que hice aprovechando el descubrimiento de las queseras de
buen tamaño, ha sido ésta, con Papá Noel de viaje en su trineo, con un
suelo esc...
1/48 Scale
Working on a series of 1/48" scale miniature house kits. All are original
designs. This series is designed for advanced miniaturists and will be ...
Mai 2023 en forêt
Quelques photos de mes balades matinales !
Les flèches rouges indiquaient le passage où mettre les pieds il était très
étroit, l’herbe ayant fortement ...
41+ Home Decor Clearance Online Pictures
*41+ Home Decor Clearance Online Pictures*. Do you want to reorganize and
redecorate a few rooms in your home? 6 or 12 month special financing
Una extraña Navidad
Hola amigos! Cómo se encuentran todos? Dejé las miniaturas hace mucho
tiempo y ahora me dedico a mi verdadera pasión que es la pintura. Pero este
año ta...
Greetings fellow miniature enthusiasts!
I haven't posted anything since Christmas
but I'm making up for it now.
Beginning with a NEW BOOK!
Linda Park had...
Hidden in the Forest 2 - Finished!
*Hello Everybody!*
*Thank you for your nice comments!*
*I took the birdhouse scene and did*
*more work to it. *
*Figured that it needed more.*
*New Pics ...
Goodbye gallery, hello parlor!
Hello my dearest friends,
I hope you are all doing well. How I have missed your blogs and commenting
on your work, but fatherhood is most wonderfully time...
The kitchen pump...
In the comments of the previous post, several of you mentioned that you
were not familiar with water pumps in kitchens, so I will tell you a little
bit abo...
Time to get lit!
A miniature hobby itself is expensive. Adding electrical to each scene...
My minis are mostly in my mini room. The only scene that is in the main...
Pues eso, como ya os adelantaba a principios de mes, este año no he tenido
mucho tiempo para las minis, así que el palacio se quedó sin montar, porque
Verde Vittoria - Victory green
*§ *Il verde Vittoria è un colore speciale, è il colore degli infissi
E' un verde ricco, scuro e si trova in tutte le case di Genova, antiche e
Happy Holidays!
Wishing you and yours a very happy holiday season!
xoxo Jennifer
This is a blog post from Plushpussycat - http://www.plushpussycat.com/ All
images and tex...
Bessie's Dilemma
Bessie had a medical check-up and received awful news.
Needing more information, Bessie organized a meeting with Dr Zoe and Fairy
Hazel to see if Elven me...
Neglected Blog
I've neglected my blog for a while. I have started a Facebook page where I
post my new dolls and I still have my website.
So a few pictures for you that ...
Cabinet upgrade
Hello, dear readers! How are all of you? I have not posted here in months,
but I'm enjoying popping to other's blogs or seeing what turns up on
Pinterest. ...
Hello! :)
Oh, my! I cannot believe how long it has been since my last post. Twas
never my intention to just walk away, but, it is what it is.
So much has happened ...
Recent Additions from Miniatura
I went to the Miniatura in Birmingham back in late March, it was good to
get there again as I missed both shows last year. It's nice to meet with
some of...
Floor fern made from floral tape and 28 gauge wire Eucalyptus made from a
kit (great filler for florals, centerpieces and wreaths) More plants and
flowers ...
Giveaway de Angelina.
Esta é uma ótima oportunidade para participar de um giveaway maravilhoso!
Angelina do blog *El arte de Angelina *está proporcionando essa
brincadeira. Val...
Fairy Houses
*I am desperately trying to buck-up* and get some other projects done
before the LoLa Art Crawl next month! Money is a little tight (because I am
a broke...
...has been really crazy these past several months. Lots of ups and downs,
so I have been very quiet lately. I haven't had a lot of time for minis
since we...
A little girls room......
Hello every one,
I am going to spare you all the usual explanations as to why I have been so
absent in blog world, except to say we are all good here...
1908 Miniature Underwood Typewriter
I received a nice bonus this year, so I decided to spoil myself a little.
For some time now, I've had my eye on this 1908 Miniature Underwood
Typewriter b...
SALUMI ITALIANI - Italian Cookbooks - Part 2
Parlare dei *Salumi Italiani* forse è superfluo e più che "ciarlare"
bisognerebbe assaggiare ;o)) ma per ora, cercherò di trattare questo
aspetto culinari...
Sometimes our ideas flow from an existing kit to bash, a house style to scratch (aka custom) build, or from an interesting doll who needs a place to live. Our settings are always modern-day (ca. 2001 when we started this hobby). We try to create things that will make people smile and feel good.
We think that if we had to build the same house twice, we literally could not do it! Fortunately, we have very unique little people who have definite opinions and so far, no one has wanted a house “like so-and-so” has.
We work as a family unit: my wonderful husband, my beautiful sister, and I. We don't always agree as to the direction of the build, but I think that we end up with a better dollhouse because of all our grumblings -- and we do have a lot of fun!
The Purpose of this Blog
We needed a place for all we wanted to say about the background of the build and the nuts and bolts of the design and build process. Thus this blog.
All our dolls' homes have families living in them and a story is built around their personalities and lifestyles. This story is an integral part of our building process. We would like to share these stories -- actually, the little people insist upon it!
Many of our houses are located in Fredericksburg, Virginia because that is my sister's favorite place.
Also, we have started a Rouges' Gallery with photos of our little people and information about the dolls.
If you would like to start with the dollhouse that "started it all", it is the Original Rowbottom Manse; if you would like to see the scratch-built Georgian that our first build gave us the confidence (or fool-hardiness) to do, it isSunnybrook Farm.